Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Application #4 Assignment

(This original post was back in January after the syllabus with all of the appication assignments - I've moved it here for your convenience.)

Application #4 – Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument and Response Essay

1. Complete the Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument provided to you in class.

2. Calculate your conflict styles by following the printed directions provided to you.

3. Once you have determined your style, read more closely about your style using the descriptions provided in the handout as well as the chapter on conflict.

4. Discuss the results with a close friend or family member as appropriate in order to gain their feedback as well.

5. Write a 1-page (12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced, typewritten) response paper to this activity. Your response paper should draw on your readings about conflict communication as well as the results of the instrument. Do you see these results as accurate? How does your conflict style(s) influence your day to day communication? Are there certain relationships that are more affected than others? How so?

6. Turn your response paper and your completed instrument (stapled together) at the start of class on the due date listed in the syllabus.

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