Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Final Exam Review Guide

FORMAT OF EXAM: Exam will be approx. 45 multiple choice, approx. 10 true-false, and about 20 identification questions using word banks. In the effort to save turnaround time submitting grades, there will be no short-answer questions on the exam.

You WILL need to bring a scantron form just like you used for the midterm.

Ch. 6 - Nonverbal Communication
characteristics of nonverbal communication
functions of nonverbal communication ( text and lecture both)
gender and cultural influences
types of nonverbal communication
gesture - emblems, illustrators, regulators (lecture & text) adaptors, manipulators (text only) - be able to identify given an example
For a great video tutorial on gesture types, click HERE.

personal appearance
proxemics & Hall's zones

Ch. 7 - Listening
Definition, difference from hearing
mindless vs. mindful
elements of the listening process
challenges of being an effective listener
types of ineffective listening
reasons we are not good listeners
ways of becoming a better listener
types of listening responses (text only)
how to choose the best listening response (text only)

Ch. 8 - Relational Dynamics
Why we form relationships

Social Exchange Theory and Comparison Level Theory - know all aspects of these well

Knapp's stages of relational development - be able to identify the stage a friendship or romantic relationship is in given a specific example

What is a dialectical tension? Be able to explain connection vs. autonomy, openness vs. privacy, and predictability vs. novelty.

Be able to explain the various ways of managing dialectical tensions in relationships

Content and relational levels of meaning

Ch. 9 - Intimacy and Distance

Know the dimensions of intimacy and ways of creating distance

What are some ways that culture influences intimacy?

Know the various Love Styles and be able to identify the love style given examples

How does intimacy develop differently in computer-mediated communication?

Limits/problems with intimacy (i.e. is more intimacy always better?)

Social Penetration Theory
Reasons we self-disclose and benefits of self-disclosure as well as risks - be able to identify reasons for self-disclosure if given an example
Ways of assuring your self-disclosure is appropriate
Things we self-disclose (categories of self-disclosure)

Reasons people lie

Ch. 10 - Climate

What is a communication or relational climate? How do they develop?
Confirming and disconfirming responses
Types of confirming messages and disconfirming messages
Defensiveness - causes, types of defensive behaviors, preventing defensiveness in others
Gibb's categories of defensive versus supporting behaviors
What are the steps in the clear message format and how do you go about putting together each step? (text, not lecture)
What are the ways of best responding to criticism?
Agreeing with your critics

Ch. 11 - Conflict
Definition of conflict and it's various components - know these well
The nature/truths of conflict - basically, the first part of the in-class lecture on this chapter
Conflict styles - you will only be responsible for understanding the 5 basic styles and their components, strengths and weaknesses
What is win-win, loose-loose, win-loose? Which of these is "compromise"? Be able to argue your case.
How do you choose which conflict style to use?
Constructive conflict skills and problem solving methods

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Survey Link for Research Participation

Click HERE to take the survey related to suicide intervention.

After your completion, be sure to print out the "Thank You" page, write your name on it, and turn it in to your professor.

Be sure to use Internet Explorer and close out any other programs that may be running before accessing the survey.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Application #4 Assignment

(This original post was back in January after the syllabus with all of the appication assignments - I've moved it here for your convenience.)

Application #4 – Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument and Response Essay

1. Complete the Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument provided to you in class.

2. Calculate your conflict styles by following the printed directions provided to you.

3. Once you have determined your style, read more closely about your style using the descriptions provided in the handout as well as the chapter on conflict.

4. Discuss the results with a close friend or family member as appropriate in order to gain their feedback as well.

5. Write a 1-page (12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced, typewritten) response paper to this activity. Your response paper should draw on your readings about conflict communication as well as the results of the instrument. Do you see these results as accurate? How does your conflict style(s) influence your day to day communication? Are there certain relationships that are more affected than others? How so?

6. Turn your response paper and your completed instrument (stapled together) at the start of class on the due date listed in the syllabus.