Friday, January 2, 2009

Application #2 Response Paper

I was pleasantly surprised upon logging in to meez that I had the option of choosing an avatar that was "plus sized". Other avatar-creation sites online seemed to have fewer options in terms of body-type. As an endomorph, I find meez uplifiting in that regard, though I must say I still find my avatar is still very thin compared to how I look in real life. In a way, it's nice to live in a thinner body in my online persona.

I created an avatar that I believe to be as close to my "actual" self as possible (both perceived as well as presenting, as Goffman would say). My material self is often represented in my love of jewelry, shoes, and accessories (I often wear a beret in winter - and my beret is an important part of my identity in the winter months. It's my steez!). My social self (selves as William James would argue) is tough to represent nonverbally, though my spiriual self comes through loud and clear in animations that allow me to express most every emotion I might be feeling on a day-to-day basis.

I chose conservative clothing for my first meez as I wanted a "look" that would be very similar to how I look when I teach. I often select clothing for myself in real life that could be worn out and about, or to teach, and I tend to be fairly conservative (revealing my "preppie" years in college). I did not find a large selection of clothing I would call conservative, but this may be due to the younger population that seems to cater to.

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